Fifty community members were early today trained at Napeililim sub- location of Loima district. The training which was organized by the justice and peace commission of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar was facilitated by deputy coordinator Mr. Christopher Losiapat. In the training Mr. Losiapat focused on governance and accountability. The training was aimed at sensitizing the community based social auditors on the importance of social auditing, collecting data regarding to the public funded projects, linking the community with the justice and peace office in the matters regarding to all public funds allocated to their area and finalizing documentation of the data collected from the field regarding the public funds in the area. According to Losiapat the community has to be aware of the funded projects and also check and make follow-ups in the implementation of community projects. He also informed the community of their rights to ask how the funds have been used. Denis Ekaru, Mary Ngala Moriita and Etot Martin were the trained community based Social Auditors who will help in mobilizing the community in acquiring the basic information.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Local news - 31.05.2011 - By Philip Kodet and Daniel Edaan - SOCIAL AUDITORS STAKEHOLDERS TRAINING AT NAPEILILIM.
Fifty community members were early today trained at Napeililim sub- location of Loima district. The training which was organized by the justice and peace commission of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar was facilitated by deputy coordinator Mr. Christopher Losiapat. In the training Mr. Losiapat focused on governance and accountability. The training was aimed at sensitizing the community based social auditors on the importance of social auditing, collecting data regarding to the public funded projects, linking the community with the justice and peace office in the matters regarding to all public funds allocated to their area and finalizing documentation of the data collected from the field regarding the public funds in the area. According to Losiapat the community has to be aware of the funded projects and also check and make follow-ups in the implementation of community projects. He also informed the community of their rights to ask how the funds have been used. Denis Ekaru, Mary Ngala Moriita and Etot Martin were the trained community based Social Auditors who will help in mobilizing the community in acquiring the basic information.
Social Auditors Stakeholders Training
Local news - 31.5.11 - By Evangeline Munyi and Mary Tioko - 28 Catholic Church Assistants Graduated At. Good shepherd Katilu Catechetical Centre.
28 catholic church Assistants graduated today after 3months of training at the katilu Good shepherdd catechetical trainingcenter.. The ceremony that took place at Katilu Parish was presided over by His Lordship Dominic Kimengich. On this same day one of the CCAs Regina Ekamais took her Matrimonial Vows with Geoffrey Apedor. The wedding was also officiated by the His lordship Kimengich. In his homily, Rt. Rev. Kimengich informed the graduates to ensure that they live their lives according to the teachings of the Catholic faith. He also urged them they to be examples to those they serve in the community. The parish priest Fr. Dismas Masinde thanked the graduates and termed as a blessing to the parish. Fr. Masinde said that there presence ensured that the spread of the good news was done well and he wished that the Bishop would let them stay in his Parish. Also Present at the ceremony was Fr. Roberto Villalobos of Kainuk Parish, Fr. Peter Francis Okioma of Kaeris and Peter Kariuki of Katilu Parish. Teachers from kainuk Primary school and some colleagues from Lodwar Prison were also present with the officer in charge of the GK Lodwar Prison Mr. Gerald Ogume to accompany Regina and Apedor to the alter of the lord in their big day which was double blessing. We wish the couple and the CCAs good christian lives in future and let them practice what they have been taught.
Local news - 30.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Secretariat of Lodwar Diocese were urged to testify their faith through their own Actions.
Secretariat were urged to be willing to become Christians in their actions in the mass today. His lordship Dominic Kimengich said this when celebrating staff mass at St. Thomas chapel today. He also took the opportunity to invite all the staff to begin the sixth week with lords protection. Bishop Dominic also welcomed the visitors, Fr. Peter Ndegwa from Garissa Diocese who has come to visit the livelihood programme to see their activities and share experiences. His lordship also took the responsibility of welcoming Parish Priest of Lokori Fr. Paul Areman who came visiting. Bishop Dominic was accompanied by the Vicar General Fr. Joseph Ekalimon and the two visiting priests. Among the visitors in the mass was Sr. Maureen Metty who is coming from St. Josephs congregation from Kalamazoo Michigan in the United States of America. Sr. Maureen came to the Diocese to visit his lordship and see the Diocese. She requested the staff to hold her in their prayers as she holds them in her prayers. In his homily Bishop Kimengich said that God always gives people encouragement and prepares them to receive his word. The staff were encouraged to open their hearts to be filled by the word of God. His lordship said that faith is not personal but has to be shared by all in the neighborhood, family and the entire surroundings so as to become evangelizers themselves. His lordship said that one can be evangelizer when she is a witness to the word of God. He encouraged the staff to be prayerful so as to become witnesses of the lord. The secretariat were urged to look at the word of God and give it space in their hearts and lives and in that they can bear witness to his word. He urged the staff to be transparent and accountable in their activities so as to testify through their own lives.
Lodwar Diocese,
own Actions,
testify faith through,
Local news – 29.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Marriage encounter meeting held at St. Augustine's Cathedral church today. T
The small Christian communities from St. Augustine's Cathedral parish today assembled for a joint Jumuiya at the church to receive clarifications on the church teaching on the sacrament of matrimony. Speaking during the meeting, His lordship Bishop Dominic Kimengich elaborated on the Cannon law on the sacrament of marriage and gave the faithfuls an open forum to ask questions on the same sacrament. His lordship stressed on the three core things in the marriage where he talked on the unity of the two people husband and wife, The insolubility of the Marriage where by he said that the two people blessed in church cannot be separated by anybody since God has bounded them in the holy sacrament of Matrimony. He also mentioned on the third aspect of being open to children where by they are supposed to reproduce and fill the earth as a command from God and bring children up in his loving care and in good morals. His lordship emphasized on the importance of life and explained on the stand of the church towards contraceptives and Abortion. He added that contraceptives destroy life. He encouraged the faithfuls to learn to keep the commandments of God and be people who dwell in prayers and all their troubles will be solved by Jesus Christ. Various people asked questions on the marriage life and his lordship answered them and also promised to consult the marriage healing committee to organise for more talks in future. He thanked the faithfuls for coming in large numbers and for their active participation in the discussion.
Local news - 29.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Faithfuls of St. Augustine's Cathedral parish were encouraged during mass today to be people of truth.
St. Augustine Cathedral faithfuls celebrated mass in preparation for the Ascension of Jesus Christ. The faithfuls celebrated the service with fully of inspiration led by Parish Administrator Fr. Francis Teo. In his homily he encouraged the faithfuls to be happy and hungry for the word of God. Fr. Teo mentioned the Greek word Paracletos which means an advocate to give the faithfuls guidance and comfort when they are down and uplifts their spirits. The parish administrator said that Jesus was the advocate to his disciples and looked like the coach to them. Fr. Teo added that Jesus is with them in their lives and they have to know and call on him for assistance. He also said that Jesus will send the holy spirit which will act like the paracletos to the faithfuls and will stay with them and lead them in his ways. He added that one who keeps the commandments of God and loves God will always receive the holy spirit and God will live in that person. Fr. Teo talked on the spirit of truth that the world will not have if they will not invite the holy spirit to be in them. He also referred to the incidence of Todonyang where people were massacred and mentioned on how pathetic the situation is during his visit. He said that the place is deserted and isolated without security and even people are dying of Hunger in some parts of the county yet the Leaders say that the security has been beefed up in Todonyang! He was perturbed on how leaders tell lies in press and Radios! He added that, that looks like the invisible forces that they cannot see! He encouraged the faithfuls to be truthful always since their father in heaven is Truthfu
Sunday, May 29, 2011
LOCAL NEWS - 28.05.2011- BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Young Christian Students Vocational meeting takes place at st. Teresa's pastoral center.
Young Christian Society members from six schools in Turkana county today converged at St. Teresa's pastoral center for a vocational meeting. The chief facilitator, Deacon Bonaventure Emase based in st. Joseph's Lowarengak Parish, said that it is important to have young leaders who live a responsible life. He said that it is important to have people who can render better services , learn to embrace each other as brothers and sisters and offer services in a Christian humanity. He added that as PPI in primary schools, Young christian Students (YCS) is set to teach moral living and use of the bible. The deacon thanked the head teachers and patrons from Lodwar high school, st. Kevin's Secondary, Uhuru high, St. Leo's Boys Kakuma, PAG secondary and Salvation Army Nawoitorong secondary for allowing their students to participate in the meeting. Other facilitators were the Vocational Director Diocese of Lodwar Fr. John Bosco Lokaale, seminarian Donald Imo representing st. Mathias Tindinyo, Martin Ekalale st. Mary's Molo and Alex Namweya representing st. Augustine's Mabanga Seminary. The meeting was set for one day, sponsored by the catholic diocese of Lodwar Vocation office.
LOCAL NEWS - 28.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Mr. Tonny Ewoton Nasia takes Kenya National Union of Teachers Turkana branch Executive secretary Positio
The Kenya National union of Teachers Turkana branch conducted a peaceful election at Lodwar youth polytechnic grounds today. Releasing the results, the Labor officer Mr. Charles Gondosio who was the presiding officer, said that all the teachers that were legible to vote, were allowed to vote. He agreed that the election were fair and without fraud saying that teachers showed a lot of discipline during the exercise. Mr. Ewoton was elected secretary general beating former secretary Mr. Lokioto Charles Ewoi with 347 by 327 votes respectively. Ewoton who could not hide his happiness said that, teachers had confidence with him, after he lost the same position in 2006. Mr. Ewoton has also occupied the positions of Treasurer Turkana cooperative SACCO between 1986 and 1990, contested and lost for parliamentary seat for Turkana south in 1997 and Trainer of Teachers under KNUT between 1997 to 2006. Others were Moses Ekidor who was elected chair man, Clementina Naita Treasurer, women representative Stella Lochodo, Assistant Secretary Kenyaman Eriongo'a and Lomodei Nora who was elected un opposed to the position of vice chair person. However, the chair man elect Mr. Ekidor called for cooperation from both parties, that is the out going team and the current team in order to experience better future of the county.
Local news – 27.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Preparations for the Day of the African child Celebrations.
The meeting which was organized by Turkana Child Protection Network (TCPN) brought together 11 Stakeholders and partners to plan for this big event for the interest of the Child. Updating people on the child issues in the county, the chairperson of the network Mrs. Phoebe Kaaman said that the team has already made some steps towards the setting up of the rescue home for the abused children within the county. Mrs. Phoebe also mentioned on the process of the ongoing renovation of the women and children's cells at Lodwar Police Station and noted the various efforts made by the stakeholders towards the project. Among those represented in the planning meeting included, the Clerk to the county council Mr. Christopher Onanda, Child fund Mr. Walanyang Elim who represented the manager, Alfred Power Represented by Supa Agule, Children's office Diocese of Lodwar Mrs. Eunice Majuma, The Police desk, Nadirkonyen street and Exploited represented by William Atuko , and Media houses Represented were Hossana and Akicha Radio. This years theme for the celebration is “All together for Urgent Action in favour of street children” . The task force has already rolled up a budget for the Day of the African Child celebrations which is to take place on 16th June 2011 and calls upon all the stakeholders to chip in to make the day a success.
African child Celebrations,
Local News - 27.05.2011 - By Kodet Philip - Land slide kills a Man at Kanamkemer Village.
The body of a man who was buried by the land slide of an ant hill yesterday evening was recovered today at kanamkemer village in Turkana central district. The Turkana central police boss Mr. Mwaura Wa Njoroge, confirmed the incident, saying that the deceased Joshua Simiyu Khisa was fallen by the Ant hill yesterday at 5.00 pm, when making mad for his bricks. The deceased Joshua simiyu khisa Aged thirty years (30) was with his colleagues working at the brick-making site near the Turkwel river, beside the bridge before the incident occurred. According to his colleagues they went for lunch leaving him behind to finish the portion of the soil he had dug but they did not turned back in the evening as expected. When they came today in the morning they found him stuck in the mud after an aunt – hill fell on him. The area chief Mr. Lucas lotuko appealed to the youth to be cautious and careful when doing any kind of job. The body of the deceased was taken to Lodwar district hospital mortuary for preservation.
Kanamkemer Village,
Land slide kills,
LOCAL NEWS - 26.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Task force on devolved county government releases feed back to the county residence.
The commission on the implementation of the constitution, which has been moving all over the country collecting views on the devolved government, today visited Turkana county to deliver an interim report of the first analysis. Deliveringthe report at the county council hall, the team's leader, commissioner Murkomen Kipchumba said that they were not giving final report since the parliament will be tabling it in the course of next. The commissioner made clarification on all the areas that seemed not understood, and advised the residents to accept the minor changes that they noticed from the report the had given to the previous commission of inquiry. However he urged them to push their MPs to make sure they effects the changes, during the reports' tabling in the parliament. On boundaries, he agreed that, conflicts on boundaries are experienced all over the country. Mr. Kipchumba noted some of the boundaries' conflicts like Markwet, Kisii, Trans Nzoia, Pokot and Turkana among others. However, the commissioner said that the independent electoral boundaries commission, will be moving round to settle the differences arising from inter counties boundaries. He added that the residents should be prepared, as next month the truth and justice reconciliation commission will be visiting this county for reconciliation process. He explained that though it is a gradual process but it offers opportunity for changes in governorship.
LOCAL NEWS – 25.05.2011 - By Philip Kodet - Meeting for stakeholders from Loima and Central Districts took place at Splash conference Lodwar.
The meeting that was organized by Practical Action brought together ten officers from Loima and Central Districts to increase their awareness on livestock rearing. The meeting had representatives from different government departments who came to deliberate and to build consensus on management of the task force in the two districts. The meeting was aimed at promoting sustainable development of pastoral communities in Turkana by building their capacity to participate in the decision making process. It also aimed at increasing responsiveness of formal institution to their needs and priorities and strengthening systems for decentralized governance and accountability. Practical Action project manager Ms. Phraxides Nekesa said that the community has to ensure that any development that has to come to Turkana must be generated by the beneficiaries. The priority areas identified in the meeting were, development of water resources for human and animal use, animal and livestock health, and finally livestock production and marketing.
LOCAL NEWS - 25.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - One man was arraigned to court on Monday for defilement.
One man was arraigned to court on Monday for defilement charges. Hassan Mohamedy was availed to Kakuma mobile court, after defiling a six year old child on the 19th of may at Norad village in Kanamkemer location, in Turkana central district. The accused is said to have convinced the minor, who was herding goats with her grand mother, into his house after she complained of hunger. He promised to give her food, hence convincing the grand mother to allow her to go for it. He gave the child a plate of rice to convince her, after some minutes the child cried bitterly for help, which alarmed the grand mother who later reported to the police. The Lodwar OCS Mr. Evans Omuga said that the police confirmed the doctor's report, that the child was defiled by a 27 year old Hassan. The accused denied the allegations before the court and was remanded, as further investigation is being carried. Over a period of the last four months, more than 5 cases of rape and four of defilement have been reported in Turkana central district alone.
arraigned court,
One man
Local news - 24.05.2011 - By Kodet Philip and Edaan Daniel - Social Auditors Stakeholders Training at Kanamkemer.
Social audit stakeholders were early today trained at kanamkemer chiefs office In a training organized by the justice and peace commission of the catholic diocese of Lodwar facilitated by deputy coordinator Mr. Christopher Losiapat. The training which focuses on governance and accountability, was aimed at sensitizing the community based social auditors on the importance of social auditing, collecting data regarding to the public funded projects,linking the community with the justice and peace office in the matters regarding to all public funds allocated to their area and finalizing documentation of the data collected from the field regarding the public funds in the area. According to the facilitator Mr. Christopher Losiapat the community should be aware of the funded projects and also check and make follow-ups in the implementation of a given community projects. he also informed the community that it's their right to ask how the funds have been used. However Dominic Lokwayen and Lazarus Khisa were the trained community based social auditors who will help in mobilizing the community in acquiring the basic information. Mr. khisa challenged the community to coordinate and cooperate with them in order to get sufficient and reliable information. At the same time at kanamkemer chiefs office, community were happy to receive the distribution of animal feeds that was donated by the ministry of livestock to help support the pastoralists from the continuing drought which has left a number of animals malnourished and others dead. According to the area chief the feeds are less compared to the number of the residents and he appealed to the government to bring more and enough feeds to rescue the remaining animals from the escalating drought.
Social Auditors Stakeholders Training
LOCAL NEWS - 24.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Stake holders of the Lomidat slaughter house hold a meeting at Nawoitorong women center.
The stake holders of the Lomidat pastoral multipurpose cooperative society, today held a meeting at Nawoitorong women center, to discuss the introduction of the weighing scale, in the buying of animals direct from the farmers. The general manager Lomidat slaughter house, Mr. Silvester Nyadero said that this will help the farmers get out of the hands of unruly middlemen. He added that the used machines in the field aims at reduce the losses incurred by farmers during their buying and selling operations. Addressing the issue, the society's chair man Mr. James Losuru urged the members present to go and disseminate the right information that will encourage the farmers to distock their animals during dry season and buy during rainy season. Losuru said that the society has bought six machines, that will be distributed to different places all over the county. These machines will established in Lokori in Turkana south, Namoruputh in Loima, Lokangai and Leteya in Turkana west and one will be in Kibish. He pledged that this will help the pastoralists to get payment on the spot and cut the chain of sales through the hands of middlemen. He called for the stake holders to support the move, saying that this gives room to see the value of their animals. The meeting brought together more than 30 members, who urged the farmers to sale their animals when they are still strong. The use of these machines is set to start next weeks in the station set.
LOCAL NEWS – 23.05.2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba & Philip Kodet - lodwar pastors fellowship conduct Turkana county dedication prayer at Mikeka grounds.
Lodwar pastors fellowship conducted prayers today to dedicate Turkana county to the lord at Mikeka grounds. The prayers which brought together church representatives within Lodwar and regional representatives from all over the county, is set for repentance following the difficulty that the county is under going at the moment. Most of the issues that have been identified to be affecting the county and were prayed for were repentance, issues affecting Turkana county, the government and the church. The session was led by the God bless Kenya team from Nairobi, which comprised of pastor Vincent Imai from Busia, Reverend Solomon from Bungoma, pastor George Omolo from Siaya and pastor Emmanuel from Nairobi. The dedication brought together more that a hundred members among them was father Joseph Ekalimon from the catholic diocese of Lodwar. The process of the dedication of the land to the lord was conducted by bishop Samuel Kaaleng, who led the congregation to accept the fault that is in the land and raise their voices to the lord for forgiveness. The God bless Kenya team is set to move all over the 47 counties in Kenya, to conduct dedication prayers of forgiveness and repentance.
Local news - 23.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Secretariat of Lodwar Diocese informed the Value of making the difference in life today.
Secretariat of Lodwar Diocese were informed the Value of making the difference by the Vicar general Fr. Joseph Ekalimon today. Speaking during his homily in mass, Fr. Ekalimon said that the apostles made sacrifices in their endeavors to preach the word of the Lord Jesus Christ to the whole world and made difference in life and that is why Christianity is here with them. Fr. Ekalimon said that the missionary journey is full of difficulties and the staff need to be hardened to serve in this missionary work they do in the Diocese and change lives of the people they serve. Fr. Ekalimon said that many people will always discourage them when what they do is not very clear and encouraged them to share their lives with others and in that they would be bounded together in love of Christ and get focused and counter the difficulties faced together as a team. The vicar general urged the staff to be committed to their work and practice accountability and consistence in all they do so as to win the interest of the people they serve. Fr. Ekalimon said that tolerance and flexibility is key in making a difference in people's lives. He encouraged the staff to have the confidence from within themselves and move forward. Fr. Ekalimon said that unless one is convinced of what he or she is doing he will not belief in it. He also said that when you belief you will be convinced and work with the dedication and sacrifice work deserves. The priest encouraged the staff to make a difference in the image of the Diocese through the various activities undertaken. The Diocesan Chancellor welcomed and introduced the visitors from Luxembourg who have visited livelihood and youth program to oversee the various activities undertaken by the staff. Visiting are Denise Richard and Jean Mathias Goereous from Luxembourg who appreciated the work done by the two programmes and encouraged more difference in the diocese.
Local News - 22.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Faithfuls of St. Augustine's Cathedral Parish urged to be strong in faith in order to resist evil.
The faithfuls of St. Augustine's Cathedral parish have been urged to be strong in their faith and believe in God always. Fr. Geoffrey Nakutan said this in mass when addressing the faithfuls today. The priest who was showing his concern on the roamer about the end of the world, said that fear was created in people by certain troubles that could be personal, National or international. He said that, it was imaginary fear that came to the people and that Christ every day comes to their lives and accompanies them in their troubles and fears and so they should always feel his presence in them. He said that faithfuls should know that there is God whom they all believe in and thus all have to see Him in all that happens around them and should not be misled by anybody. He added that those who have received the gifts of the holy spirit are wise, respect others, committed to serve others and wish the best for all. He encouraged the faithfuls to be people full of faith, believe in God and that should not be worried of anything for He is always with them. The priest emphasized on the need to pray in small Christian communities and strengthen them. He added that all need to be good hearted so as to commit themselves to share what they have with others without giving conditions since God Loves them unconditionally.
Faithfuls St. Augustine's Cathedral Parish urged,
resist evil,
LOCAL NEWS - 20.05.2011 -BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - The paralegal training finalizes at st. Teresa's pastoral center.
The paralegal training that has been going on, at st. Teresa's pastoral center, for the last 4 days ended yesterday. The peace and justice coordinator, Mr. James Ekai showed his satisfaction with how the training was carried. He said that working with the community some times is challenging, but they should show their professionalism, when handling cases related to that field. Mr. Ekai called for the chiefs, assistant chiefs and priest to involve the trainees in the fight against the injustices in the community. He agreed that ignorance is lagging behind development in this region. The trainer Mr. Ekaal Lokuruka said that the participation of the trainees showed that they are going to do a good job. He urged them to go and work with the aim of helping the society to grow and be peace makers. However one of the participants Kemboi Korir said that he has been equipped with knowledge, to tackle the challenges that are in the field. The peace and justice department is aiming at reaching all other departments in the region. Chiefs and assistant chiefs were earlier trained by the same department of the diocese of Lodwar.
LOCAL NEWS - 20.05.2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba and Philip Kodet - Hunger snatches eight lives in Turkana county.
The issue of hunger seems to be taking a new direction in Turkana county. Eight people are reported dead due to hunger that is striking in Turkana, where 5 people are pronounced dead in Nakurio village in Kerio division, while 3 are reported dead in Kaaleng' of Turkana north district. Speaking today in his office, Missionary John Nakara Lodepe from share international, said that the situation is worsening and it needs an immediate attention. He said that it has reached a time when the church should join hands together to support the community with food other than just spiritual nourishment. Lodepe accepted that only 10% of the churches offer food support, while the rest do not. He praised the work that is done by the Catholic and the Anglican church in food support, and urged the government to offer support and even assign them to distribute food, since the church is closer to the people. he blamed the procedures that is said to be followed saying that it is derailing the distribution of food that is packed in store. Nakara called for the government and World food programme, to fasten their discussion with the transporters, on transportation charges. He said that the increase in fuel prices has greatly affected the lives of many, which has led to a stand still of the transportation process.
Hunger snatches eight lives,
Turkana county.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Local news – 19.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Universal birth Registration Agents workshop
Universal birth Registration workshop for the Agents ended at St. Augustine's conference hall. The training that was organized by World vision Child protection officer Mr. Musa Bwino Tioko has been going on since yesterday had various contents on the universal birth registration were taught to the Chiefs and Assistant chiefs in Central Division. The district Children officer Mr. Sammy Korir and District registrar Mr. Joseph Orata facilitated the last sessions of the training.
Mr. Korir mentioned on the penal code and sexual offenses Act where by he gave the participants fines and judgment so various cases . He also helped the participants go through the united nations convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC) of 1989. He said that the convention asserts that all rights are essential and equal and urged the participants to take the issue of birth registration with the serious it deserves since it is one of the human right issue. He mentioned the types of rights being, survival rights, development rights, protection rights where children are vulnerable due to their ages which makes them require special treatment.
The participants were urged to cooperate in the process of universal birth registration since the benefits of the process are many. Mr. Orata gave the benefits of the process as determining the age, identification, child protection to know the biological parents and determine parental responsibility of the various children. The participants recommended that the OVC cash transfer to be scaled up to Turkana county, Empower community leaders to preach the essence of UBR, initiation of mobile units of the UBR and also the motivation of the Agents to carry up the exercise. When giving the vote of thanks Chief Margret Lomosingo encouraged the Chiefs and the Assistant chiefs to be committed in the exercise for the welfare of the children especially the current birth registration. The participants were urged to implement all that they were taught so as to bring out accurate information which will help the government for the easier planning.
Universal birth Registration Agents workshop
LOCAL NEWS - 20.05.2011 - By Philip Kodet – Hunger leves eight dead in Turkana county.
The issue of hunger seems to be taking a new direction in Turkana county. Eight people are reported dead due to hunger that is striking in Turkana, where 5 people are pronounced dead in Nakurio village in Kerio division, while 3 are reported dead in Kaaleng' of Turkana north district.
Speaking today in his office, Missionary John Nakara Lodepe from share international, said that the situation is worsening and it needs an immediate attention. He said that it has reached a time when the church should join hands together to support the community with food other than just spiritual nourishment. Lodepe accepted that only 10% of the churches offer food support, while the rest do not.
He praised the work that is done by the Catholic and the Anglican church in food support, and urged the government to offer support and even assign them to distribute food, since the church is closer to the people. He however blamed the procedures that is said to be followed saying that it is derailing the distribution of food that is packed in store. Nakara called for the government and World food programme, to fasten their discussion with the transporters, on transportation charges. He said that the increase in fuel prices has greatly affected the lives of many, which has led to a stand still of the transportation process.
Speaking today in his office, Missionary John Nakara Lodepe from share international, said that the situation is worsening and it needs an immediate attention. He said that it has reached a time when the church should join hands together to support the community with food other than just spiritual nourishment. Lodepe accepted that only 10% of the churches offer food support, while the rest do not.
He praised the work that is done by the Catholic and the Anglican church in food support, and urged the government to offer support and even assign them to distribute food, since the church is closer to the people. He however blamed the procedures that is said to be followed saying that it is derailing the distribution of food that is packed in store. Nakara called for the government and World food programme, to fasten their discussion with the transporters, on transportation charges. He said that the increase in fuel prices has greatly affected the lives of many, which has led to a stand still of the transportation process.
LOCAL NEWS – 18.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Mass held for the paralegals
The paralegals from the diocese of Lodwar, have been undergoing a training on peace and justice since Monday 16th. Today they were privileged to attend a mass to bless the activities of the day, which was led by Fr. Raphael Cephalo of Risen Christ Nakwamekwi parish. In his homily father Cephalo encouraged the members to go out and proclaim for their rights with the help of God's power.
He said that Jesus was innocent but was condemned and killed, but that could not stop him from rebuilding the temple as he promised. Fr. Cephalo said that the world of today is full of evil and that they should speak against it. He noted that following the preaching of peace and justice, most countries including Kenya are now starting to experience change.
He showed his disappointment saying that many people are in jail innocently due to injustices done to them. He agreed that justice begins with one self and that, all those trained should apply it to others practically. The four days training which brings together more than 25 members, started on Monday 16th and will be ending tomorrow 19th of May 2011.
He said that Jesus was innocent but was condemned and killed, but that could not stop him from rebuilding the temple as he promised. Fr. Cephalo said that the world of today is full of evil and that they should speak against it. He noted that following the preaching of peace and justice, most countries including Kenya are now starting to experience change.
He showed his disappointment saying that many people are in jail innocently due to injustices done to them. He agreed that justice begins with one self and that, all those trained should apply it to others practically. The four days training which brings together more than 25 members, started on Monday 16th and will be ending tomorrow 19th of May 2011.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Local news – 17.05.2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba and Philip Kodet - Christian Community Services Youth Training
More than 27 youth from the 9 project areas, in four districts in Turkana county today are undergoing a one week training at golden guest house in Lodwar. The training which is organized by the Anglican Church of Kenya Turkana zone, is aimed at equipping the youth with knowledge of tackling economical challenges that they are facing in the region.
Speaking during the training, the zonal manager Mrs. Ruth Nanok Eripete, said that the training is covering four districts, which includes Turkana East, Turkana south, Turkana central and Loima. She said that members involved are mostly farmers and business men. The project groups include Lokwamosing in Turkana East, Simailele and Lokapel in Turkana south, Nawoiyawoi and Nabuin in Loima and Napuu, Nakwamekwi, Nachamai and Naoros in Turkana central. However the community development worker Wilfred Emoit, who is also one of the facilitators, said that the general training aims at improving on food security, water and sanitation in schools, environment and advocacy of their rights. He urged the youths to be involved in development activities to reduce idleness, which may lead them to an illegal practices. Other governmental departments involved in facilitation are, the district youth office, district trade office, social services, Education department and national environment management authority. They will be taken through several topics which include report and proposal writing, drug abuse, entrepreneurship, group formation project planning resource mobilization, community mobilization, financial management, small scale enterprises, marketing among others. It is scheduled to end on 20th of may.
Speaking during the training, the zonal manager Mrs. Ruth Nanok Eripete, said that the training is covering four districts, which includes Turkana East, Turkana south, Turkana central and Loima. She said that members involved are mostly farmers and business men. The project groups include Lokwamosing in Turkana East, Simailele and Lokapel in Turkana south, Nawoiyawoi and Nabuin in Loima and Napuu, Nakwamekwi, Nachamai and Naoros in Turkana central. However the community development worker Wilfred Emoit, who is also one of the facilitators, said that the general training aims at improving on food security, water and sanitation in schools, environment and advocacy of their rights. He urged the youths to be involved in development activities to reduce idleness, which may lead them to an illegal practices. Other governmental departments involved in facilitation are, the district youth office, district trade office, social services, Education department and national environment management authority. They will be taken through several topics which include report and proposal writing, drug abuse, entrepreneurship, group formation project planning resource mobilization, community mobilization, financial management, small scale enterprises, marketing among others. It is scheduled to end on 20th of may.
Christian Community Services Youth Training
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
LOCAL NEWS – 16.05.2011 - ZACHEAUS OTABA - Training of paralegals kicks off
The Paralegal training organized by the Justice and Peace commission catholic diocese of lodwar, started at st. Teresa's pastoral center. The Justice and peace programmes' coordinator, Mr. James Ekai, said that the program aims at all paralegals from all over the diocese of Lodwar.
He said that they are taking their trainees through human rights, gender based violence, sexual offenses act, succession and inheritance, child rights, civil procedure rules, crimes and criminal procedures. Ekai agreed that many people in this region suffer because they don't know their rights, which he said this will help them fight for their rights and proper gate the same to the rest of the society.
On the other hand, the programme's facilitator Mr. Ekal Lokuruka said that this will help in handling petty and small cases either in or outside the court. He added that, they offered the same training to the chiefs and assistants chiefs, hence to make the working easy, since they will be working jointly. He added that the trainees are expected to share the same knowledge to the rest communities in their parishes, since they are closely going to work with them.
The programme which brings together more than thirty members from all the parishes, is expected to run for five days starting on 16th to 20th of May 2011.
He said that they are taking their trainees through human rights, gender based violence, sexual offenses act, succession and inheritance, child rights, civil procedure rules, crimes and criminal procedures. Ekai agreed that many people in this region suffer because they don't know their rights, which he said this will help them fight for their rights and proper gate the same to the rest of the society.
On the other hand, the programme's facilitator Mr. Ekal Lokuruka said that this will help in handling petty and small cases either in or outside the court. He added that, they offered the same training to the chiefs and assistants chiefs, hence to make the working easy, since they will be working jointly. He added that the trainees are expected to share the same knowledge to the rest communities in their parishes, since they are closely going to work with them.
The programme which brings together more than thirty members from all the parishes, is expected to run for five days starting on 16th to 20th of May 2011.
LOCAL NEWS – 15.05.2011 - BY MARY TIOKO - Vocation Sunday Celebrated
The Christians celebrated the fourth Sunday after the easter day at the st. Augustine's cathedral church today in stlye. The vocation sunday mass which was celebrated by Father John Kizito Manzi, was animated by missionary children, pontifical missionary union and st. Gabriel small Christian community. The priest urged Christians to be human in all they do. He also said that being a human being does not mean being human.
Fr. Manzi urged all to pray for vocations in the Diocese as the Diocese needs individual people to listen to the call of Christ by being priests, religious sisters and brothers. He emphasized the need of living ones vocation where he mention the call to marriage and urged all those in marriage life to live their vows they made to each other of being faithfuls and bringing up their children in good morals.
He also said that Jesus was a human being but with differences . He gave the example of Peter who stood by the word of God and increased the number of Christians through his message during the day of Pentecost. He said that Jesus is the door and whoever goes through it will be saved.
Fr. Manzi urged all to pray for vocations in the Diocese as the Diocese needs individual people to listen to the call of Christ by being priests, religious sisters and brothers. He emphasized the need of living ones vocation where he mention the call to marriage and urged all those in marriage life to live their vows they made to each other of being faithfuls and bringing up their children in good morals.
He also said that Jesus was a human being but with differences . He gave the example of Peter who stood by the word of God and increased the number of Christians through his message during the day of Pentecost. He said that Jesus is the door and whoever goes through it will be saved.
LOCAL NEWS - 13.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Hundreds turn to celebrate Lake Turkana cultural festival day
Residents living around lake Turkana today turned up to welcome visitors of different caliber, to celebrate the lake Turkana cultural festival day at Loyangayani cultural center. Speaking over the phone today, councilor Mark Ekaale from Loyangayani ward said that, the festival is always celebrate in June every year since its innovation in 2009.
He agreed that it is only this year that the celebrations have taken place in may due to the arrangements made by the Germany ambassador who is the sponsor of the exercise. Ekaale said that the theme of the festival was to promote peace in the region, among the six communities occupying it. This involves the Turkana, Samburu, Rendille, Gabra, Elmolo and Dasanech communities.
However Mr. Ekaale said that, though the turn up was satisfying, there is still much to be done in order to make sure that the residents benefit from the center which they contribute in its development.
The festival was attended by MPs Joseph Ekuton, Ekwee Ethuro, Josphat Nanok, Chachu Ganya, Peter Kenneth and Ombui who is also ass minister for national heritage. During the festival, residents were involved in sporting activities which included foot ball. He congratulated the German embassy and all the NGOs which participated, for making the day successful and pledged that the day to be given full support for its success in future.
He agreed that it is only this year that the celebrations have taken place in may due to the arrangements made by the Germany ambassador who is the sponsor of the exercise. Ekaale said that the theme of the festival was to promote peace in the region, among the six communities occupying it. This involves the Turkana, Samburu, Rendille, Gabra, Elmolo and Dasanech communities.
However Mr. Ekaale said that, though the turn up was satisfying, there is still much to be done in order to make sure that the residents benefit from the center which they contribute in its development.
The festival was attended by MPs Joseph Ekuton, Ekwee Ethuro, Josphat Nanok, Chachu Ganya, Peter Kenneth and Ombui who is also ass minister for national heritage. During the festival, residents were involved in sporting activities which included foot ball. He congratulated the German embassy and all the NGOs which participated, for making the day successful and pledged that the day to be given full support for its success in future.
Lake Turkana cultural festival day
Saturday, May 14, 2011
LOCAL NEWS – 11.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - The government will protect its borders, says prime minister
Prime minister Raila Odinga yesterday said that the government will protect all its borders to external attacks from the neighboring countries. Raila who was visiting the county following the Todonyang massacre, addressed people at the Lodwar air strip where he said that the government in two week's time, is going to carry mapping to mark the real boundaries.
The prime minister said that the government has a plan to grow food crops under irrigation scheme on lave Turkana. He agreed that the region has the potentiality of producing food that is enough to feed the whole region. He promised all the Ethiopians who are in the Kenyan land will be moved to their country to reduce cross border conflict. On politics, the PM urged the residents to neglect those who proper gate hatred instead of preaching national peace and unity. He urged Kenyans to be focused when electing future leaders adding that they made a wise decision to approve the constitution. He was escorted by ministers Otieno Kajwang minister for immigration, minister for water Charity Ngilu, ass minister for defense David Musila, minister for labor John Munyes, permanent secretary for special programmes Andrew Mondo, ass minister for forestry Josephat Nanok, among others.
The prime minister said that the government has a plan to grow food crops under irrigation scheme on lave Turkana. He agreed that the region has the potentiality of producing food that is enough to feed the whole region. He promised all the Ethiopians who are in the Kenyan land will be moved to their country to reduce cross border conflict. On politics, the PM urged the residents to neglect those who proper gate hatred instead of preaching national peace and unity. He urged Kenyans to be focused when electing future leaders adding that they made a wise decision to approve the constitution. He was escorted by ministers Otieno Kajwang minister for immigration, minister for water Charity Ngilu, ass minister for defense David Musila, minister for labor John Munyes, permanent secretary for special programmes Andrew Mondo, ass minister for forestry Josephat Nanok, among others.
LOCAL NEWS - 12.05.2011 - by zacheaus otaba - Two ladies die in unclear circumstance
The waves of sadness is sweeping Lodwar town following the death of two ladies, who are said to be salonists. The Turkana central police boss Mwaura wa Njoroge confirmed the incident, saying that they are suspected to have taken a herbal medicine that was sold to them by a certain man who is still at large. He said that they lodged the investigations immediately they got the information, unfortunately they have not been successful to arrest the suspect.
The OCPD said that people should be cautious of whatever they are being sold to, and by who. He called for the public to collaborate with the police to ensure that peace is maintained and people feel secure. He said that the public is denying to give the police information that may lead to the arrest of the suspect. He wondered how a man who is alleged to be one of the lady's husband could failed to have tips of the cause of his wife's death.
However he warned the public on making rush decisions, without getting enough information about what they are seeing. He called for the public to be patient and stop criticizing the government in handling such sensitive issues, but instead join together to fight the evils in the community.
The OCPD said that people should be cautious of whatever they are being sold to, and by who. He called for the public to collaborate with the police to ensure that peace is maintained and people feel secure. He said that the public is denying to give the police information that may lead to the arrest of the suspect. He wondered how a man who is alleged to be one of the lady's husband could failed to have tips of the cause of his wife's death.
However he warned the public on making rush decisions, without getting enough information about what they are seeing. He called for the public to be patient and stop criticizing the government in handling such sensitive issues, but instead join together to fight the evils in the community.
Local News - 10. 05. 2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba - A scrape dealer sent inn
One man was yesterday sent in for one year imprisonment, by a Lodwar court for involving the under age in scrape metal deal. Mr. Benson Kimwaki was found guilty of using children aged bracket of 8-12 years, in scrape metal business in Lodwar town.
Making the ruling, the Lodwar resident magistrate Thomas Nzyoki, said that the accused was found subjecting children into child labor contrary to section (10)(5)(9)(b), as per the section 20 of children's' act 2011 chapter 587 laws of Kenya. Nzyoki sounded a warning to all dealers and parents who let their children go for such businesses, saying that their days are numbered.
At the same, the district children officer for Turkana central Mr. Sammy Korir has congratulated the support that the government is offering in the fight against child labor. He said that they have been charging people of defilement and now are extending hand to child labor. He urged parents to make sure that children go to school involving children into illegal businesses.
Making the ruling, the Lodwar resident magistrate Thomas Nzyoki, said that the accused was found subjecting children into child labor contrary to section (10)(5)(9)(b), as per the section 20 of children's' act 2011 chapter 587 laws of Kenya. Nzyoki sounded a warning to all dealers and parents who let their children go for such businesses, saying that their days are numbered.
At the same, the district children officer for Turkana central Mr. Sammy Korir has congratulated the support that the government is offering in the fight against child labor. He said that they have been charging people of defilement and now are extending hand to child labor. He urged parents to make sure that children go to school involving children into illegal businesses.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Local news 9.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Priest urges the Diocesan personnel to serve in good faith
Priest urged the Diocesan personnel to serve in good faith in their various programmes. Fr. Geoffrey Nakutan said this when celebrating Mass at St. Thomas Chapel today. The mass that is always done to kick start the week was led by Pontifical Missionary Societies in conjunction with Anna Nanjala center. Speaking in his homily Fr. Nakutan said that those who are happy are those whose life is blameless. He also said that in every situation, one has to set some standards of what to be achieved in the jobs and the social lives. He encouraged the staff to have good and open heart always.
The priest said that the staff have to be in good relationship with God and other people in the way they live in the community. He termed that as Christian naturalness. He encouraged all who are Christians to be consistent in what they say and do. He also said that a Christian is open to challenges in life and looks for alternatives that are constructive. He said that the catholic church is outstanding in all its approaches and encouraged the staff to face challenges in life and seek the grace of our lord Jesus Christ. He asked the staff to ask God the almighty for patience and grace to share what they face with other people.
Fr. Nakutan said that God gives them a chance to change for the better so long as their intentions are pure and open. He urged them to communicate the treasures they receive with others and also pass it to the next generation. He added that the missionaries brought the word of God to the Diocese and Fr. Nakutan believes that the same spirit still grows as long as they believe in one that as been sent to redeem them, Jesus Christ.
Diocesan personnel,
Priest urges,
serve good faith
Local news – 9.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - Utrecht brothers in the Netherlands visit the Diocese of Lodwar
Utrech brothers in the Netherlands visited the Diocese of Lodwar and were privileged to attend the Monday staff mass that was led by the Fr. Geoffrey Nakutan today. Welcoming the visitors in the Diocese, the Diocesan Chancellor Mr. Antony Robert Woods invited brother Hanns from Nadirkonyen street children Center to introduce the visitors to the staff. Br. Hanns introduced members of the general board and provincial board of the brothers BHK community who visited in preparation for the coming general chapter of their congregation.
Among the visiting Team included, Brother superior- Simon Gele Revring.
Member of G.B-Venantius Edi Budi Santosa, Treasurer of G.B-Stanislas Naben, Members, Member of dutch P.B-Wim Heinster. Mentioning about their congregation Br. Hans said that the congregation was founded by the Arch Bishop of utrecht in the Netherlands, migs. Andreas schaepman in 1873.The Bishop dedicated the congregation to Mary under the title of Our lady of the sacred Heart. Bro. Hans said that the devotion to Our lady of the sacred Heart at that moment was rather recent, especially under the title -Hope of the desperate. Vincent de Paul is the patron of charity and as such held before the Brothers as an inspiration . Mode in the mission in 1928 the congregation expanded to Indonesia. which was in that time a dutch colony, so their was not a language problem.
In 1958, the Brothers started their mission in Kenya. Eistin Mawage, followed in Mabanga, Kakamega , Rakwaro, Kibabii, Rapogi, Kaboi, Kisumu and lastly here in lodwar. He also said that at the moment lodwar is the only place in Kenya where they are working . The G.B will investigate if there is room to expand again with Indonesian Brothers to other places in Kenya.
Among the visiting Team included, Brother superior- Simon Gele Revring.
Member of G.B-Venantius Edi Budi Santosa, Treasurer of G.B-Stanislas Naben, Members, Member of dutch P.B-Wim Heinster. Mentioning about their congregation Br. Hans said that the congregation was founded by the Arch Bishop of utrecht in the Netherlands, migs. Andreas schaepman in 1873.The Bishop dedicated the congregation to Mary under the title of Our lady of the sacred Heart. Bro. Hans said that the devotion to Our lady of the sacred Heart at that moment was rather recent, especially under the title -Hope of the desperate. Vincent de Paul is the patron of charity and as such held before the Brothers as an inspiration . Mode in the mission in 1928 the congregation expanded to Indonesia. which was in that time a dutch colony, so their was not a language problem.
In 1958, the Brothers started their mission in Kenya. Eistin Mawage, followed in Mabanga, Kakamega , Rakwaro, Kibabii, Rapogi, Kaboi, Kisumu and lastly here in lodwar. He also said that at the moment lodwar is the only place in Kenya where they are working . The G.B will investigate if there is room to expand again with Indonesian Brothers to other places in Kenya.
Netherlands visit,
Utrecht brothers
Local news – 8.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - St. James Juniorate boys Animate Mass
St. James Juniorate fraternity led Christians of St. Augustine's Cathedral parish in celebrating the octave mass today. The Boys who were led by their Director Fr. Simon Mutai led the Christians in celebrating the holy Eucharist. In his opening remarks before starting mass, Fr. Simon welcomed all to and invited them to participate fully in octave Sunday which is the 3rd Sunday after Easter where Jesus is Risen and urged the Christians to always greet each other with Alleluia words. Jesus is risen!
Reflecting on the readings of the day Fr. Simon said that some of the disciples of Jesus denied him during his passion and death although he did many miracles when he was with them. Among the miracles Fr. Mutai named the one which Jesus fed people with two fish and five loaves and added that people of those times looked at Jesus as the solution to various problems . He urged the faithfuls to look unto Jesus for he can solve their problems just as he did those times.
Fr. Mutai said that the disciples of Jesus were discouraged when Jesus died and even went away from the holy hill of Jerusalem and when Christ appeared to them on their road to Emmaus they regained strength and went back again to Jerusalem .He thus urged the Christians to always regain strength in the holy Eucharist and spread the word of God without fear for he is risen. Fr. Mutai emphasized the importance of hearing the word of God before receiving the Holy Eucharist and urged the faithfuls to fully attend the whole mass period, from Liturgy of word to the Eucharist. He appealed to parent to encourage the youth to listen to the voice of God, a call to priesthood as they anticipate to celebrate vocation Sunday which is next Sunday. He also urged the Christians to pray for vocations in the Diocese of Lodwar and all over the world.
Reflecting on the readings of the day Fr. Simon said that some of the disciples of Jesus denied him during his passion and death although he did many miracles when he was with them. Among the miracles Fr. Mutai named the one which Jesus fed people with two fish and five loaves and added that people of those times looked at Jesus as the solution to various problems . He urged the faithfuls to look unto Jesus for he can solve their problems just as he did those times.
Fr. Mutai said that the disciples of Jesus were discouraged when Jesus died and even went away from the holy hill of Jerusalem and when Christ appeared to them on their road to Emmaus they regained strength and went back again to Jerusalem .He thus urged the Christians to always regain strength in the holy Eucharist and spread the word of God without fear for he is risen. Fr. Mutai emphasized the importance of hearing the word of God before receiving the Holy Eucharist and urged the faithfuls to fully attend the whole mass period, from Liturgy of word to the Eucharist. He appealed to parent to encourage the youth to listen to the voice of God, a call to priesthood as they anticipate to celebrate vocation Sunday which is next Sunday. He also urged the Christians to pray for vocations in the Diocese of Lodwar and all over the world.
St. James Juniorate boys Animate Mass
LOCAL NEWS08.05.2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba - Leaders from Turkana have warned the government of neglect
The Turkana leaders today bitterly expressed their disappointments at how the government is neglecting the people of this region. Led by the Turkana county council vice chairperson David Ekoei, the leaders said that it is so shameful for Kenyan leaders to pretend as if they don't know what is happening in Turkana.
Expressing their views to the top political leaders, led by William Ruto, Samuel Poghisio and Eugene Wamalwa, who had visited the region following the previous crisis, they said that the issue of insecurity and hunger is alarming. They said that this was the main cause of the last massacre that has continued to fetch peoples' lives.
However the leaders said that the county has the potentiality of producing food, that is enough to feed the whole nation. Speaking at Moi gardens today, where they had gone to raise money for two groups in Loima district, Ruto said that this is only happening because of poor governance in the country.
Ruto who is the MP for Eldoret North, called for the government to deploy security officers from all departments to the region, other than keeping them in the camps. He said that there may be no other enemy that is above that small group from Ethiopia that swept several lives early this month. On food, he said river Turkwel should be used for irrigation, to grow that can feed a large population of people. More than 700,000/= were raised in aid of the two groups, to promote development in the grassroots. They were accompanied by the area MP David Ekwee Ethuro East African MP Christopher Nakuleu.
Expressing their views to the top political leaders, led by William Ruto, Samuel Poghisio and Eugene Wamalwa, who had visited the region following the previous crisis, they said that the issue of insecurity and hunger is alarming. They said that this was the main cause of the last massacre that has continued to fetch peoples' lives.
However the leaders said that the county has the potentiality of producing food, that is enough to feed the whole nation. Speaking at Moi gardens today, where they had gone to raise money for two groups in Loima district, Ruto said that this is only happening because of poor governance in the country.
Ruto who is the MP for Eldoret North, called for the government to deploy security officers from all departments to the region, other than keeping them in the camps. He said that there may be no other enemy that is above that small group from Ethiopia that swept several lives early this month. On food, he said river Turkwel should be used for irrigation, to grow that can feed a large population of people. More than 700,000/= were raised in aid of the two groups, to promote development in the grassroots. They were accompanied by the area MP David Ekwee Ethuro East African MP Christopher Nakuleu.
LOCAL NEWS – 07.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Service providers warned of breaking traffic rules
Boda boda service providers, today have been warned of breaking traffic rules that has continuously increased the number of accidents every day. Speaking today at the association's office, the boda boda leaders led by their chairman William Kerio, warned that stiff punishment is going to be imposed on all those that break rules.
They said that all service providers should be registered and have safety gears like helmets, reflectors and their identity cards, especially at night. They warned of drivers who are fond of drinking and driving, saying that they are risking their lives together with the passengers'. The leaders called for the passengers intending to travel especially at night to take care and ask the drivers to provide their identity cards to show that they are registered.
They appreciated the support that they have been given by the government, through the Lodwar OCS Evans Omuga. However they said that no one will be allowed to carry two passengers irrespective of whether you are a private cyclist or a registered boda boda. This has come one day after they met with the OCS yesterday and laid down all the strategies to curb accidents caused by cyclists.
They said that all service providers should be registered and have safety gears like helmets, reflectors and their identity cards, especially at night. They warned of drivers who are fond of drinking and driving, saying that they are risking their lives together with the passengers'. The leaders called for the passengers intending to travel especially at night to take care and ask the drivers to provide their identity cards to show that they are registered.
They appreciated the support that they have been given by the government, through the Lodwar OCS Evans Omuga. However they said that no one will be allowed to carry two passengers irrespective of whether you are a private cyclist or a registered boda boda. This has come one day after they met with the OCS yesterday and laid down all the strategies to curb accidents caused by cyclists.
LOCAL NEWS – 06.05.2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba - United nations youth champion challenges Turkana youth
The UN youth champions miss. Monique Coleman, has called for the youth of this region to fully participate in developing their careers. She said that following her tour all over the world, she has discovered that the youth face a lot of challenges, in their struggle to reach to their aspirations.
She that the youths' problems is not a one person's, instead they need to how to share it out with others. Monique urged the youth not accept to be locked down by situations, but instead they have strive to make sure that they fulfill their dreams. She challenged that they should not sit waiting to be told what to do.
As compared to the rest of the places she had visited, she said the youths' problems irrespective of the environment they are in, they need to be taught how to get out of the situations and be productive to the rest. She admitted that she not giving financial support but instead she gives technical advice to the youth all over the world.
Monique is visiting Kenya on her normal mission of collecting the views of the youths not only in Kenya but around the world.
She that the youths' problems is not a one person's, instead they need to how to share it out with others. Monique urged the youth not accept to be locked down by situations, but instead they have strive to make sure that they fulfill their dreams. She challenged that they should not sit waiting to be told what to do.
As compared to the rest of the places she had visited, she said the youths' problems irrespective of the environment they are in, they need to be taught how to get out of the situations and be productive to the rest. She admitted that she not giving financial support but instead she gives technical advice to the youth all over the world.
Monique is visiting Kenya on her normal mission of collecting the views of the youths not only in Kenya but around the world.
Friday, May 6, 2011
LOCAL NEWS – 05.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Four people admitted
Four people were yesterday admitted to Lodwar district hospital, with serious injuries after being involved in a road accident. The Turkana central police boss John Onditi confirmed the incident and said that 10 people with minor injuries were treated and allowed to go home. The OCPD said that the accident occurred after the Matatu, they board knocked the pot hole and two, one side tyres bust
The nursing officer Lodwar district hospital Edward Karani said that the four who were admitted are not at risk, though two of them are to be referred to Eldoret, since they had fractures that need to be plastered. He said that all to be referred, are students from Moi high school Kalokol, who were caught when they were going to school.
Else where the OCPD Turkana central has blamed three parties in the cause of accidents in the region. He said that both bad roads, careless drivers and passengers are contributing to the increase of accidents.
He noted that for the last four months, the region has received seven cases of accidents, of which 5 were serious and two were fatal. He said two people lost their lives including a university student. The officer urged the passengers to be concern with their lives and object being in excess in the vehicles. However, he said that the government is not going to tolerate carelessness that normally leads to loses of lives
LOCAL NEWS – 04.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Minister recognises the work of the church in Turkana Region
Minister for labor John Munyes has appreciated the role that was played by the church, during the Todonyang massacre that swept 25 lives yesterday. The church in Turkana region has been proved to be playing the greatest role, in solving conflicts between the clashing communities and saving lives.
Munyes who is also the member of parliament for Turkana North, expressed his satisfaction, saying that it was a clear show that the church is playing a bigger role than the government. He explained how the priests of the catholic church stood between and save the lives of the two communities from either sides, and bury the dead themselves. He agreed that all along, the church has been working independently and that the time has come for the government to give it a support.
However, he added that the greatest cause of the massacre was the process of batter trading between Kenya and Ethiopia. He called for the minister special programmes to step in and solve the problem of food distribution in the region. The minister criticized Kenya as a super power in this region and is unable to control the small minor communities like the Merille, which are foreigners living in Kenya but are posing a lot of threats.
He agreed that if the Kenyan would have had food, they would have been going outside the country to borrow. He still insisted that all the Merilles living in the Kenyan land should be move to Ethiopia.
He noted that, the aim of the government is not revenge, but to make sure its citizens are in peace and safe. He said that, the region needs peace to notice faster development, not only in Kenya but also across the borders.
Local news - 04 may 2011 - by Edaan Daniel - Justice and peace conducts social audit training
The catholic justice and peace commission diocese of lodwar is conducting a social audit training at st Teresa pastoral centre aimed at imparting skills to the auditors drawn from all the districts of the greater Turkana Region as a way of tracking public funds that are meant to improve life of the community members.
Speaking to radio Akicha reporter early today the acting deputy coordinator Christopher Ekaru Losiapat said that the training started with the awareness and sensitization on the devolved funds available ,second, is the training of the social auditors, followed by stakeholders meeting to bring about good relationship with the community social auditors. The social audit training continues for three days.
The training is expected to increase community awareness of the public funds available for the development and foster accountability in all institutions and individual actions for the betterment of human social and economic conditions.
Social audit is one component of governance and accountability programmes of justice and peace Commission Diocese of Lodwar.
Speaking to radio Akicha reporter early today the acting deputy coordinator Christopher Ekaru Losiapat said that the training started with the awareness and sensitization on the devolved funds available ,second, is the training of the social auditors, followed by stakeholders meeting to bring about good relationship with the community social auditors. The social audit training continues for three days.
The training is expected to increase community awareness of the public funds available for the development and foster accountability in all institutions and individual actions for the betterment of human social and economic conditions.
Social audit is one component of governance and accountability programmes of justice and peace Commission Diocese of Lodwar.
Justice and peace social audit training
After months of peace and prosperity, Dassanech gunmen attacked the Turkana fishermen at the beach of Todonyang killing Robert Petabong and injuring badly Julius Loudi. The two were the elders of Todonyang Community. They had gone to secure their nets, which they had left overnight.
After battling with the Dassanech gunmen and killing one, the now armed villagers returned to the Todonyang Church Compound where they have been living as displaced people for the last two years, and killed 4 Dassanach in cold blood. Some other Dassanech were rescued while two run back to their villages in Ethiopia.
In recent times the two communities have been living and trading together. We knew that there were many Turkanas in the Dassanech villages as they had gone to buy Sorghum and other goods in the barter trade that has been going on. But news had reached the Dassanach Village of Sies (Lotira) that their own had been killed at the Church compound. This led to some youth to trick the about 20 turkanas who were at the village buying and selling, to escort them to safety only to gun them down about 1 kms from the Todonyang Police Post. We were shocked to see the bodies littering all over the plains. This was a massacre. Only one lady survived with serious gun wounds after hours under sun pretending to be dead! While one Turkana was kept safe in a manyatta of his Dassanech friends while the onslaught took place.
The Catholic Church in the area mobilised forces and went around other villages of Toltale, Gabite, Koro and rounded up 45 Turkanas that were kept safe in these villages by the local elders, bringing them back to Todonyang Mission.
26 people lost their lives senselessly today: 21 Turkanas and 5 Dassanech. Unless both government administrations and security forces get really involved in tackling the situation of the peoples living at our borders, we are yet to see more attacks in the coming weeks.
LOCAL NEWS – 03.05.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Massacre sweeps 25 in Todonyan along Kenya-Ethiopia border
25 people have been confirmed dead in a clash between the Merille of Ethiopia and the Turkana, a long the Kenya-Ethiopia border. The rift valley provincial commissioner Osman Warfa, said that this is suspected to have been caused by the scramble of pasture and water between the two communities.
He said that the conflict started when a group of Merille killed one Turkana and the Turkana retaliated by killing 4 Merilles, which led to the massacre that left 25 dead. The PC said that the incident took place in the Kenyan land. He noted that though the situation was calm, the Merille youth were still firing. Warfa cautioned that if the leaders of the Merille cannot maintain peace, then they are to evacuate our land.
The area MP John Munyes showed his disappointments, on how people who are supposed to beg, can come and kill. He said that village of Tikoroi that is in Kenya, should be removed and move back to Ethiopia. He noted that this is not the first time, but it has been persisting since time immemorial.
He said that 50 people of the Turkana community are missing following the massacre and have not been recovered. Munyes who is also the minister for labor, added that the Turkana have lost fishing gears and schools have been closed. He agreed that this has been caused by the traditional belief of the Merille community.
The two promised that they are going to stage the peaceful talks between the two governments, to reach to resolutions. This massacre has swept the village three months after the catholic diocese of Lodwar, pioneered a peace talk that brought the two communities together in February this year.
Massacre sweeps 25 in Todonyan
Local news – 3.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - The Diocesan Secretariate celebrate the feast of St. Philip and James
The staff of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar resumed duties after Labour day celebrations holiday with mass at St. Thomas chapel today. The main celebrant was his lordship Dominic kimengich who was assisted by Fr. Geofrey Nakutan. Speaking in his Homily Fr. Nakutan said the two Apostles Philip and James were matyrs that were killed because of serving God . Fr. Nakutan said that the sense of service is stronger in the readings of the day and thus the staff were encouraged to offer their best in their various departments.
The staff were told that when they receive the message of Jesus Christ and put it into practice they become transformed to better people in the society who are enlightened and willing to enlighten others. When speaking, Fr. Geoffrey said that when one receives the holy spirit the services he or she offers becomes fruitful. The staff were invited to share in the apostles way of service which is the way of Jesus Christ. The priest encouraged the staff to be open to share what they receive with other people so as to make this world a better place to live in. He also called them to follow the way of Jesus Christ which is the way of the father and they will achieve all that they request from him.
His lordship Dominic Kimengich added that one becomes holy through the work he/she does so, the work entails holiness. He encouraged the staff to reach out to the people they serve and sanctify them through the services they offer which amounts to them being Holy and being committed to their work. He also announced the working hours to begin at 7.30am and end at 5.30pm every Mondays to Fridays and rest on weekends. He encouraged the staff to have enough time with their families during weekends and not become absentees at their Homes. He also encouraged them to derive strength from St. Joseph the worker to show then how to work hard in their duties.
feast of St. Philip and James
LOCAL NEWS – 02.05.2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba - Measles Campaign launched
The ministry of public health and sanitation ties the measles campaign with the Malezi Bora week celebrations, in Turkana County. Speaking during the launch, the district medical officer of health for Turkana Central, Dr. Epem Esekon said that this response has come after seven cases detected in Kakuma refugee camp.
He added that since Malezi Bora is celebrated every year in the month of May , it was prudent to combine it with Measles campaign this year. He noted that all over Kenya 13 death cases have been confirmed, but was pleased that zero cases have been reported in Turkana County. The doctor said that due to travel patterns in the region, they are targeting all children under fives years of age. Dr. Epem encouraged mothers to have safe delivery in hospitals, so that their children get early doses.
However world health organization, has reported that this region has a lot of challenges that make it difficult to deal with the outbreaks and early control of the diseases. Speaking today Dr. Shaikh Humayun Kadir from WHO said that apart from what the government of Kenya is doing, his organization is facing difficulty in controlling the same.
He admitted that WHO is providing technical support and medical for control but has no power to employ personnel. The exercise which kicked off today is expected to go own for the next two weeks in order to reach every individual in need.
Local news – 1.5.11 - By Mary Tioko - 200 Catholic faithfuls confirmed
The Christian community of St. Timothyy and Titus Kaeris and Losajait parishes received more Christians among them through the sacrament of Confirmation. 120 Christians from Losajait and 80 from St. Thomas and Titus Kaeris were confirmed by his lordship Dominic Kimengich in a colorful ceremony. The first lot of confirmations was done on 30th April at Losajait parish. His lordship was assisted by the parish priest Fr. Lucio Kariuki and Fr. Dismas Morang'a. The christians of St. Stephen Losajait had gathered themselves to receive his lordship with songs of praise and thanked God the creator for his mercy and love for giving them such a caring and loving father in the name of Dominic kimengich. All outstations of Losajait parish were represented in the celebration. Sr. Rael Mwendwa who is a sister from Assumption sisters of Nairobi and now based in kakuma helping in health unit in the parish was among the faithfuls who came to welcome the bishop at Losajait Parish. His lordship advised the parishioners to devise ways of becoming self reliant so as to undertake the activities of the parish with ease.
He also said that the being Pentecost day, his Lordship confirmed 80 Christians at St. Timothy and Titus Kaeris parish and was accompanied by the parish priest Fr. Francis Okioma. His lordship was also welcomed by the faithfuls from all the outstations of kaeris parish with love and joy. During his homily at Kaeris parish, his lordship thanked the community of kaeris for their warm welcome and He also thanked the almighty God for his protection since his installation as the Bishop of Lodwar Diocese. His lordship said that, that Sunday was the 2nd Sunday since Christ resurrected and the day when God showed his mercy to the world by sending his only son to die for their sins. He also said that the Catechumens who have been preparing for long to receive the sacrament of confirmation will be confirmed, The second thing he put across is that, the day is also Mercy Sunday all over the world, lastly the day is special because Pope John Paul the 2 will be beatified today in Rome and made a saint .His lordship also told the faithfuls to be people of peace and love since the holy spirit whom they received during this sacrament of confirmations strengthens them and makes them holy. He thus urged the faithfuls to be people of faith and belief in God always, people who are ready to forgive, ready to be sent to preach the good news to all the world.
200 Catholic faithfuls confirmed
LOCAL NEWS – 30.04.2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba - Alter servers under go a one day recollection
Alter servers from st. Augustine's, st. Micheal's Napetet and st. Mary's Lodaraja had a one day recollection at st Augustine's cathedral conference hall. The workshop was facilitated by seminarian Charles Apendi and sister Margaret Ekidor, who the coordinator of the st Augustine's alter servers.
Apendi said that the participants were taken through prayers, catholic faith, how to conduct themselves while in the alter and behavior change. He called for those who could not make to the workshop to practice it in their various churches.
However the participants showed that they had learnt some thing after the work shop and that they are to go and lead as an example in their various out stations.
Their coordinator, sister Margaret was pleased to note that the children high discipline during the workshop. She urged them to go and good teachers as Jesus did and always act as an example for others to imitate.
Else where father Mais Kiprop had a blessed time when he joined believers of st Ann second mass Soweto to bless the believer houses. This was meant to bring the people together in the work of the lord, where he also dedicated four children to the lord. The priest also extended hand to bless 7 houses of st Simon's first mass.
LOCAL NEWS - 29.04.2011 - By Zacheaus Otaba - Take charge and save people living near the seasonal river banks government told.
The councilor of Kawalase Ward Mr. Gabriel ibulon has urged the Government to take charge of people living along the river banks. Residents living near river banks have been affected by the seasonal over flooding rivers. The rain that fall on the upper hills of river Kawalase on Wednesday night led to the over flooding of the river, which almost swept the houses of people living near the river banks. Speaking today, the area chief for Lodwar town Mr. Christopher Lochichi has pledged with the residents to accept the call and move to the area that have allocated. He admitted that the land that has been allocated to them on the side of the river, has no water and they also complain of the insecurity, which he promised that the government will cater for. At the same time, councilor Gabriel Ibulon for Kawalase ward has called for the government to step in and help in moving the residents to safe area abroad the river. He noted that it would not be better if the last year's incident happens again this year. Ibulon added that the forces that was used to give back up last year is no longer there. However, the said that the incident has been persistent, people have to take caution before the government takes an action of evacuating them. They called for the relevant stake holders in the water department, to ensure that they install water tanks to cub the scarcity of water in the new land.
save people living near,
seasonal river banks,
Take charge
LOCAL NEWS - 28.04.2011 - BY ZACHEAUS OTABA - Two graduates secure chance in police force in Turkana central.
Hundreds of youths in Turkana central district turned up for a joint administration and regular police recruitment that was carried yesterday. The officer commanding police division for Turkana central Mwaura wa Njoroge, challenged those who think Turkanas are not learned to take the yesterday's example, where they picked from c+ and above due to high competition.
Speaking in his office today, Mwaura said that they picked two graduates for force. He encouraged more graduates to join the force, saying that after training, there is a likelihood that they will senior officers representing this region. Else where the OCPD for Loima Muchiri Nyaga said that the recruitment was so impressing that the youths turned up in numbers. He said that the exercise which was carried at Lorugum district headquarters showed that the youth had enough papers to go for this jobs. However he encouraged the youths to go for higher grades in order be assured of securing jobs in future. He added that though they had no graduates, in his division,their was a tight competition for the few vacancies. With the administration police Turkana central managed to recruit 9 men and 2 ladies. Opposed to the expectations of many, candidates were to apply through the commissioners of the respective departments before the recruitment day. This meant that candidates were take as per their of interest. The Kenya police recruits are to join the training college on the 12th of may this year, where they are going to be trained on two different units of police, that is General Service Unit and the regular police.
police force,
Turkana Central,
Two graduates secure chance
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