
Lodwar, Kenya
Radio Akicha is a Catholic Radio Station that aims at bringing “light” in all dimensions of life in Turkana

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Local News – 28.05.2012 - By Ken and Kamar - Kerio River is changing the lifestyle of Lokori community

Lokori (elelea) irrigation scheme is changing the lifestyle of the community. They have more than 480ha that which are being prepared for planting.

Speaking during the meeting at the farmyard the secretary of Elelea Mr. Benson Lotia said that they are working hard to make sure the lifestyle of the communiy have improved although they have along way to go and also facing challenges. They have mobilized the community to engaged in the farming.

Mr. Benson added that the challenges are dryness of Kerio river but that of the insecurity is normal to them.

He also complaining of men not helping women on farm. The laxity of their young boys as also the major problems.

He urged the government to give full support to enable them to meet their demands.

Local news – 27.05.2012 - byKen and Kamar - Lokubae irrigation scheme in Turkana East

The Lokubae Irrigation Scheme has now resumed back to normal business. The scheme has got one thousand two hundred hectares though they have only planted on a 350ha.

The Lokubae irrigation is served by Kerio river, it has got more than 3000 registered members. They planted maize at now two weeks down from the germination.

Managing director Mr. Wafula said that the main challenge is that the Kerio river is seasonal river hence it cannot be reliable.

Farmers are forced to do extra-work so as to meet their demands. They also face the problem of female manpower as males are pastarolist. Through this challenges they are not able to meet their goals ahundred percent.

Lokubae community dont have a place to sell their goods due to poor transport network and insecurity in the area.

Local News – 26.05.2012 - By Ken - The improvement of Katilu Irrigation Scheme.

Katilu irrigation scheme is yet to turn the Turkana community from pastarolism to farming.

Speaking during the visit the operation supervisor Mr. Daniel Waweru said that the main objectives of opening the project is due to lack of food security.

Turkana community at large are not happy with the problems of food challenges.

The government through national irrigation scheem had came up with an idea of empowering the community to seriously put their effort in farming, since the river Turkwel had a water resources to enable to meet their goals.

They have opened the river canal directed to 300 hectares, Mr. Waweru however, said that they have aplan of extending five hundreds hectares more. He continues that last year harvest was very impressing since they managed to get more than 3,000 bags of maize and they are now distributing the maize to Lodwar cereal board.

He also praise the Katilu community for their corporation. The farmers cooperative society with equity bank which us enable them to open group account.

LOCAL NEWS - BYKEN AND KAMAR – 25.05.2012 - The FKF Madaraka day cup semi-finals

Four teams had already qualified for the semi- finals, this as follows: Earth Movers, Mahon Fc, Nawoitorong Rangers and Supper united Fc.

The teams will meet on 27th may at two different ground. All games will start at 4pm.

Earth Movers will take supper united fc at Lodwar mixied primary school while Nawoitorong will play against Mahon Fc at the prison ground.

Speaking during the game the FKF treasurer, Mr. Ekibonce Who is also the head teacher of Nakuluja said that displine should be the first key factors in the field.

The winning team, will meet in the final on 1st of June which will be the celebration of Madaraka day.

Local news – 24.05.2012 - by ken - Conflict resolution Training

Shalom center for conflict resolution and reconciliation team have started their training at St. Teresa on educating the members on how to participate the election violence.

Speaking during the meeting the Din of the central dinar y father Gregory Kitem said that the workshop attended by seven parishes from different areas and their mandate is to make sure all communities should be aware of election violence.

Father Kitem emphasized at the end of the meeting every members should be able to go and spread this information to the community and make sure the mistake should not be repeated.

Local news – 23.05.2012 - by KEN - The FKF kicked off for madaraka day cup

Madaraka day cup today started involving 8 teams in the competitions at lodwar mixed primary school.

The MTC did not turn up hence giving supper united an outmartic wing therefore they have qualified straight for the semi-final at the prison ground Nawoitorong thrashed the rocks of Kanam 2-1.

The goal for Nawoitorong was scored by Hybery while that for rocks Ejikon Filemon this means Nawoitorong has also qualified for the semi-finals.


The Kenya police reserves (KPR) are having a training for three days where they are taught to work with peace and justice in the communities at Ann Nanjala Center.

Speaking during the event, the judge Mr. Samba Jeremiah who is also the coordinator of peace and justice, said that if the child has done a mistake, should not be taken to the police since those who are there would teach the child bad habit and from there, the child develop resistance to all corrections that will be given there after.

The judge urged the community to impose different methods of disciplining the children, a part from caning. He insisted that if it is necessary, then parents should use reasonable caning but harming. He added that it is good to use good terms to established the child.

Mr. Samba finally urged the Kenya police reserves to be keen in time of arresting offenders, other than handling them cruelly.

Local news – 17.05.2012 - By Kamar and Simiyu - The intercolleges reginal games competition.

The three inter colleges regional from western part of Kenya had games competition with Lodwar medical campus today at Lodwar mixed primary.

Speaking during the event the KMTC lecturer Lodwar, who is also the sports coordinator Mr. Daniel Ayiende hosted the campuses in harmony to his region. He said although the rain destroyed the field that was to be used for the competition,they had no other option but to use the same field for the games.

Ayiende said due to weather condition the students from western Kenya had to cope up and managed to win various games such as: javelin both boys and girls, relays for boys and girls and hundred meters for boys only. The campus participated are as follows: Webuye, Bungoma, Kakamega and Turkana regions.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Local News – by Ken and kamar – 16.05.2012 - The health trained workers at Ann Nanjalas

Today marked the end of the training of health workers at Ann Nanjala social hall.

Speaking during the training the district registrar officer Mr. Joseph Orata, said there is widespread lack of information among general public on the issue of awareness of the requirement for obtaining birth and death certificate.

Joseph comment the delay in birth notification is caused by lateness in naming child due to cultural or religious reason.

Mr. Orata added there are fears and pressure among single parents particularly girls that leads to law birth registration rate

Local news -17.05.2012 - By Kamar and Simiyu - The intercolleges reginal games competition

The three inter colleges regional from western part of Kenya had games with Lodwar medical compus students competition today at Lodwar mixed primary field.

Speaking during the event the lecturer of KMTC Lodwar who is also the coordinator of the sports Mr. Daniel Ayende hosted the compass in hammony to is region. He said although the rain destroys the marking that they had prepared the games were participated well on various section.

Ayande said due to climatic condition the student from western Kenya have cope up and they have managed to won various section such as:javelin both boys and girls, relay for boys and girls and hundreds meter for boys only.

The compass participate are as follows:Webuye, Bungoma,Kakamega and Turkana.

Local news – 15.05.2012 - by Kamar and Simiyu - The to student by MKU of lodwar

The turkana community are happy with education after Mt Kenya university reduced the fees up to 20% for the may intake.

Speaking during the day the secretary of mount kenya student lodwar branch Veronica said that sheis happy with the MKU idear. She continued to say that the idear havemade other student to request for more time for addmission for those who have not join them to get chance.

On otherhand, of the university the officer incharge of the addministration and public relationship Mr.Madaraka Koiman said that the 20%commision is not onlyfor may intake but will extend up to august.

Local news – 16.05.2012 - By Kamar - Kanamparish to boost up the game of under 15yrs

The teams under fifteen from kanamkemer named Liverpool and Manchester had their game at St.patrick kanamkemer field.

Speaking during the event the coacher of that team Mr. Paul said those team originated from what was called Mapro which was organized by father Achibong. The organization of that team was to enhance the children to grow into spiritual hood, to develop talent and skill.

The team had to play in which on first round manchester scored 1goal by Hendry Ikeno at 15min.

During the game also Liverpool scored the goal by the wicylif Ejikonat 86min.They were all went tie.

The team manager Mr.lokoel thank the kanamparish for supporting the game of under 15 and insisted to continued with that spirit.

Local news – 14.5.12 - By Mary Tioko - Bishop of Lodwar Visits Slovakia.

Bishop of Lodwar Diocese Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich has visited Slovakia for his fund raising trip. Speaking during his speech to slovaks at Radio Lumen yesterday, Bishop Dominic Thanked Erko for their support to various departments in the Diocese of Lodwar including pump maintainace Unit, Adult Education, and John Paul the II Home for the disables in Lokichar.

Bishop Dominic was accompanied by Frs. Angel and Avelino from the community of St. Paul the apostle in the trip. Talking to Marian who is the co-ordinator of Erko, Bishop kimengich extended greetings from Lodwar Diocese where Marian explained to him on how they fund raise for the projects in Lodwar.

Addressing the young seminarians in Towns of Rajecka Lesna and Levoca, Bishop Dominic encouraged them to have the call of missions so as to extend their services to Turkana in future. The places he visited is where Pilgrims go for prayers for many years, to pray to Mother of God. The bishop also visited Badin, a small village near Banska Bystrica where Radio Lumen is situated in central Slovakia. In Badin there is a seminary for priests where he had mass with them and gave them inspirational words to the students.

Bishop also met the bishop of Arch-Bishop of Trnava Robert Bezak during his trip.

Local news – 13.5.12 - By Mary Tioko - Love of God and Neighbor is the greatest Commandment: Says priest.

The Christian community of St. Augustine's Cathedral parish have been told to love their neigbours as themselves. Speaking during his homily today, Fr. Geofrey Nakutan challenged the faithfuls to love one another so as to counted as daughters and sons of God.

Fr. Nakutan said that if one keeps the ten Commandments of God he will know what love is and God will remain in that person. The love of God and neighbor explains all the ten commandments.

Fr. Nakutan said that God as purpose of creating them as they are as we are. He urged all to love and respect their parents as they act like the Neighbor also who need their help in their old Age. The priest gave an example of people who pretend to be loving God and forgetting to provide for the needy in their neighborhood. He added that their Christianity remains in the church compounds.

Fr. Nakutan encouraged all to treat others with the respect and love they deserve. He said that people who discriminate others portray their selfish weaknesses. He urged all to give without discrimination as it brings limitation in their lives. He also implored God to give them power to keep the Greatest commandments of love.

11.05.2012 - local news - by Kamar - More than 200 children united with their families

More than 240 children had been united back with their families after they were separated by the drought that hit Turkana region in year 2011.

Speaking during a four day conference at st Teresa lodwar the senior child protection officer mr David Omuondo has said that they are putting more effort to see that the separated children are back to their society and leaving in harmony.

According to turkana region cordinator mr JowashOginga The project that will be operational until september will see more than 1000 children re-united with their families again.

The project will be conducted by the child welfare department in collaboration with UNICEFto support these children to have safety in their homes.

On the other side the child counsellor madam Alice Ngige said the children will be offered free counselling and they do a complete mediation with their relatives to aviod stigmatisation.

Local news – 9.5.12 - By Mary Tioko - Polio Immunization Campaign for Turkana County

Over 125,000 children in Turkana County are set to be immunized against polio in two phases of immunization campaign that kicks off next month. Turkana Central Public health officer Mr. Innocent Sifuna Who chaired the meeting for the stakeholders said that some 127,752 children in the county are targeted for the mass polio immunization campaign that will start on June 9-13 and July 7-11 in 86 districts in the country. The Meeting which was held at Lodwar District Hospital DPH office brought together 8 stakeholders from UNICEF, merlin, DOL, World Vision, practical Action, Ministry of education , information and the host public health. The campaign is a part of a nationwide campaign that targets to have 2,249,106 children immunized against the paralyzing disease. The exercise will be conducted in the six districts that make up Turkana County. The targeted children are will be immunized in their districts. Reports indicate that in Loima 18,761, Turkana central 21,063, Turkana East 12,448, Turkana North 13,897, Turkana South 19,598 and Turkana West 41,985children are targeted. Sifuna said the United Nations Child fund (UNICEF) has formed a communications working group to “actively seek and leverage opportunities to provide information about immunization and health.”The technical group also seeks to liaise with Early Childhood Development Centers (ECD) to maximize opportunities for routine immunization in schools. Lack of access to information about dangers of polio and other childhood diseases has been cited as a major impediment to the fight against these preventable diseases. The government ministries among them Public health and Sanitation, Education, Information and communications have teamed up with the UNICEF led team that also includes Non –governmental organizations to fight the polio menace.


The coordinator social ministry of diocese of Lodwar Mr Mark Nakain have said that they have started economic program to empower the local community.

Speaking during the food distribution in the departments office , Mr Nakain said that apart form giving them food they have started various projects to empower different groups to earn a living.

The ministry distributed food to more than 500 people from 23 villages around lodwar citing that hunger can only be eliminated if people can have alternative sources of getting food.

He also emphasized that only empowering the people will reduce the burden of his ministry and that of the government in food distribution.

According to Mr Mark those who have en gaged in productive work have already refrained from irresponsible drinking and can now support themselves.

He added that getting to the interior is main problem that is facing his ministry urging the government and other NGOS to join hands to save lives.

Local news – 6.5.12 - By Mary Tioko - Diseases of hate, Lies and Greed widens relationships with God: Says priest

The Christian community of St. Augustine's Cathedral Church have been warned against the diseases of the soul that destroy ones relationship with God. Speaking today during his homily at St. Augustine's Cathedral parish church, the assistant priest of the Cathedral Fr. Gideon Ngelechei named hate, greed, lies and many others as diseases that destroy ones relationship with God.

Fr. Ngelechei also noted that many people are very quick in judging others without examining their own conscience warning them to keep off from judging others since God is the only person who knows them in and out. He also said that one cannot ask of the other what he himself cannot do! He called upon all to treat each other with dignity and respect they deserve.

Touching on leadership, he urged the Christians to seek for the guidance from God and learn more on leadership so as to elect God fearing leaders who deliver in the community and treat all the same without any discrimination.

Fr. Ngelechei introduced the parish Jubilee committee Chairman Mr. Paul Ngumi who invited the guests of honours in of the Harambee and went ahead to conduct the mini harambee and managed to raise 108,000/=. The next Harambee is scheduled to take place in June awaiting the major Harambee in August. The Cathedral parish is expected to raise 500,000/= towards the construction of Jubilee Plaza.

Local sports – 03.05.2012 - by Ken Simiyu Turkwel wins the first rounds games

The first round of the games that is set for the preparation of the august tournament kicked off today at turkwel primary school.

The games which was interrupted by heavy rains started at 11.00 am, where Kerio walked over Turkwel 3 sets 1, in volley ball. Lorugum won 3 sets to 1 against Turkwel. In foot ball, Turkwel 2 to 1 against Lorugum which was the only match that was played today. Turkwel's scores were poured in by Hyburry, while that of Turkwel was netted by Boi.

The games which organized by child fund will be entering its finals tomorrow, where by in volley ball Kerio will be playing Lorugum, while the second round of football will also take place at the same time. This is in preparation of the regional tournament that will take place in august this year.

LOCAL NEWS - BY KAMAR – 3.5.2012 - The equipping and empowering Secondary Teachers

Representatives from various high schools in Turkana county yesterday started a three days training that is expected to end tomorrow.

The training brought together teachers from Kainuk mixed secondary school, Lopiding girls, Turkana girls and kakuma boys secondary school

Speaking on the training center at St. Teresa DYEP pro grammes officer Mr Ekal Francis said the units discussed were equipping and empowering secondary school teachers in a component called ABY which is Abstinence behavior change for youth which is targeting the youth to change in behavior

Speaking of the ABY Mr. Ekal said it involved so many units that includes drug abuse and other substance behavior change, relationship human sexuality to help youth be aware of the present issues in life

the training is expected to end tomorrow as members go back to their respective schools to take the message.