
Lodwar, Kenya
Radio Akicha is a Catholic Radio Station that aims at bringing “light” in all dimensions of life in Turkana

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Local news - 21.3.14 - By Mary Tioko - Parental Negligence blamed for influx of children in the streets of Lodwar

Turkana Gender and child protection Network (TGCPN) members mentioned parental negligence as one of the major causes of street children. Addressing the members of the network at Lodwar wellness centre today afternoon , the chairperson of the network Mrs. Seline Locham said that parents need to be responsible and provide for the basic needs of their children and above all give them their rights as children. Mrs. Locham informed the members to advocate for the universal birth registration to ensure that these children get documents that can enable them be registered in schools and even ascertain their age in case of cases follow ups. She also said that early marriages are on the rise in the community and the stakeholders need to be vigilant to ensure that vulnerable Girls are Rescue and given proper direction in life and above all given quality education for brighter future. The Assistant chief of Nawoitorong location Ann Elamach said that families and communities should ensure that children at school going Age should be taken to school. She warned those parents withdrawing children from school for other engagements like child labor to leave that bad behavior that ruins the lives of these children. Child Rescue Kenya (CRK) officer Mr. Charles Lokatukoi informed the network members to be aware that Transnzoia County will soon wrap up children from their streets and bring to their respective counties and they need to prepare and find way forward for such children. Meanwhile the network has secured a plot for the rescue center at Nagis area but needs developments for the children to be housed there. More needs to be done for the future of the children in this county and organizations working for the best interest of the child need to come together and forge for the way forward.

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