
Lodwar, Kenya
Radio Akicha is a Catholic Radio Station that aims at bringing “light” in all dimensions of life in Turkana

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Local news By ken simiyu 1.7.2015. CITIZENS URGED TO DONATE BLOOD AND SAVE LIFE.

Lodwar Referral Hospital has appealed for blood donation from the Public to Increase its blood Bank.
Speaking in his office Director of Lodwar referral Hospital Dr Gilchrist Lokoel said that the Hospital is running shot of blood and appealed for public to donate blood to save the life of patients.
Dr Lokoel said that normally the Hospital records 300 to 350 binds of blood and now the Hospital has only 50 Binds of Blood in its Blood bank.
The blood donation is commonly noted during the opening of Schools as students play major part in blood donation and when schools closed the hospital faces challenges of getting blood.
The Director also commented about what people have been complaining of being charged for scorpion, snake and dog bite medicine and added that these medicines are available and free of charge and no health worker should charge for such services.
Dr Gilchrist added that cholera outbreak was reported at Kapedo last week and the health workers were sent at Kapedo and managed to control the situation where by cases of 46 patients were reported. The health workers rushed at Kapedo in Turkana East and everything was under control no death was reported and the situatioin is now contented.  
He urged people to observe public health regulations and cautioned that to avoid cases of cholera people should boil water, wash their hands, cover the food and also report cases of cholera if suspected in the village for immediate action to be taken.

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