
Lodwar, Kenya
Radio Akicha is a Catholic Radio Station that aims at bringing “light” in all dimensions of life in Turkana

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

By Ken Simiyu 8.1.2016 River Turkwel runs dry, posing danger of drought

One of the  permanent rivers in  Turkana,  River Turkwel has dried up causing fear to the farmers and pastoralists who depend on it for drinking water and irrigation purposes.
Farmers from Natirae near St. Kevins seconday school, Kapelibok, Katilu, Nakwamoru and Kaputir irrigation schemes in Turkana south have been adversely affected by the drying up of the river.
According to Samwel Ebei, a farmer from Natirae Irrigation scheme, complained that most of their farms were seriously affected for more than 7 days due to lack of water flowing into their farms, saying that their crops had dried up as a result of drought and fears that if the situation will continue then their animals will die too.
Assistant chief of Kaputir Isaiah Emeri said that they have also faced rough time at Turkana south where the crops and animals have been negatively affected as a result of scarcity of water.
There has been ongoing renovation of Lomopus Bridge which is under construction near Kalemongorrok. Ekuom Ewoi the business man who is also known as ‘Indicator’ revealed that the running water from Turkwel River was diverted for the cleaning of Turkwel Gauge Dam.         

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