The parents of Lodwar mixed primary school in Turkana county met to elect school management committee for 2011 today.The parents who were wrapped up early in the morning by courtesy of the school headteacher Mr. Timothy Kikete Wabuya to attend to this important meeting came in large numbers to elect the committee members.
The parents who were 600 in number sat patiently to listen to the roles of school management committee as said by the representative of District Education officer for Central Mrs. Jophine Nasambu Walela, Mrs. Walela who is also incharge of free primary and secondary education in Central thanked the school for performing well in the National examinations managing to take 3 pupils to national schools,
Mentioning on the outgoing team and welcoming the new team to manage the school the former and now re-elect chairman of the school management committee Mr. Immanuel Imana Ichor urged the parents to develop interest in the management of the school and make sure that the children are brought up in good morals in school irrespective of their gender and social status.
The elected members were as follows; The chairman is Immanuel Imana Ichor, Secretary Timothy Kikete Wabuya and the treasurer being Jennifer Tioko. The committee were also given other five representatives to help in monitoring the progress of their children in school. These are, Mark Nakain representing parents of std. 1 , Michael Peikai std.2, Purity Ngetich std. 3, Judith Namachanja Std.4., Christine Edapal std. 5, Immanuel Ichor std.6, Jennifer Tioko std. 7, and Peter Okech std.8. The Parents were also urged to support nursery schools teachers for better formation of their children.
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