
Lodwar, Kenya
Radio Akicha is a Catholic Radio Station that aims at bringing “light” in all dimensions of life in Turkana

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Local news - by Ken Simiyu - 15.9.2013 - Christian of St Augustine were told to follow the right Channel

The faith full of St Augustine Cathedral Parish has been asked to perform their Responsibilities as Christians and stop engaging in activities that creates disunity in the community. In His homily on the 24th in ordinary Sunday calendar of the church Rev. Fr Damian Eripon told the congregation that they have been called as Christ and should worship God in true by doing what is right .Fr also said that Christians should be patient in whatever they ask Is-realist were inpatient and that is why they worshiped Idles and were punished.
Fr  Damian said during  his farewell mass as he prepare to go St Patrick  of Turkwel parish he also urged the youths to follow the right Chanel wherever they want to find solution.Fr condemned the youths following the demonstration which led the blocking of Kanamkemer bridge  which he said that is the wrong way to get solution. They should follow the law because it governors them and also protects them so they should cooperate and do the right things to avoid arrest. He thanked the faithful of St Augustine for helping him in prayers and said that prayers helped him to lead the Christians

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