
Lodwar, Kenya
Radio Akicha is a Catholic Radio Station that aims at bringing “light” in all dimensions of life in Turkana

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

LOCAL NEWS – 17.1.11 - By Mary Tioko - Form one selection for the year 2011 for St. James Juniorate Minor seminary in Lodwar completed

The pupils who completed their Std. Eight examinations and passed had a lot of hopes to join various high schools in the country. The students from Turkana county also were not left behind in various chances available in high schools. Pupils who got 300 marks and above in 2010 and were interested in becoming future priests applied for the vacancy at St. James Juniorate minor seminary here in Lodwar. The interviews that took place on 10th of January 2011 saw the selection of 12 boys joining the seminary.
The selection panel involved Frs. John Kizito Manzi, Fr. Cosmas Longor and the Director of the seminary Fr. Simon Mutai. The interviewees were drawn from ten parishes within the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar with them including, All saints Kainuk parish, Katilu, Lokori, Nakwamoru , Risen Christ Nakwamekwei, Holy family Kanamkemer , Good shephered Kakuma, St. Augustine's cathedral parish , St. Marys Kalokol, and St. Marks Lokitaung'parish.
The criteria of selection were as follows; Minimum grades 300 marks KCPE 2010, Baptized Catholics practising the faith , therefore the parish priest had to recommend them for the interview, the age limit not more than 15 years of age, Good performance in languages especially English, the self presentation during interview in order to show the interest of priestly call was necessary during the intreviews.
The panel rested on 12 students from all the represented parishes out of 19 applicants. The director of the seminary Fr. Simon Mutai said that the lake deanary was poorly represented and south deanery on the other hand was well represented.

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